Achieving Disk Elasticity in Containerized Environments

Originally published at One of the main frustrations with using containers is that the data stored within it is ephemeral, and as a result, you cannot retrieve it at a later time. This presents problems for non-trivial applications (such as databases) when they run on Kubernetes or ...

 ·  4 minute read  ·   

How hackers score Covid tests for free

When you normally hear about a “hack”, or some “hackers” getting free services, stealing stuff or making their way through systems, the visual that comes to mind is a dude-in-a-hoodie leaning infront of a matrix-like screen, digging into crazy looking code. More often than not, it’s way simpler t...

 ·  4 minute read  ·   

Introduction to Zero Trust on AWS ECS Fargate

After a long while of researching for information on a solution I knew I wanted, it was quite hard to figure out what to choose, and how to use it. And so, this is basically the guide I wish I had: what I wanted and why, the solution itself, and just as important - how to implement a solution tha...

 ·  8 minute read  ·   

How to NOT secure web payment systems

Since the tale laid here is real, I’ll refrain from using specific names or locations. It might put me in some awkward situations. If you’ve been through something similar, it may sound familiar. That said, the identifying details have little to do with the story itself. It is not a new or sophis...

 ·  4 minute read  ·   

Hacking your application may be easier than you think

TL;DR: I noticed a suspicious behavior on the weekly email from my coffee shop’s subscription; it was offering I edit my preferences directly through a dedicated link. I was able to bypass the cookie and authentication token (no tricks) and was able to reach an account details panel changing pass...

 ·  6 minute read  ·